文献检索列表 |
序号 | 索取号 | 正题名 | 责任者 | 出版者 | 出版日期 |
1 | H31:B/1 | The Philosophy Student Writer's Manual | Anthony Graybosch,etc | Prentice Hall | 1998 |
2 | H31:B/2 | The Oxford dictionary of philosophy | Simon Blackburn | Shanghai Foreign Languag | 2000 |
3 | H31:B0/1 | In search of philosophic understanding | Edwin A. Burtt | Hackett Pub. Co | c1980 |
4 | H31:B0/2=2 | philosophical journey | William F. Lawhead | McGraw-Hill | c2003 |
5 | H31:B0/3=2 | Voices of wisdom | [edited by] Gary E. Kessler | Wadsworth Pub. Co | c1995 |
6 | H31:B01/1 | canon and its critics | [compiled by] Todd M. Furman,Mitchell Av | Mayfield Pub. Co | c2000 |
7 | H31:B01/2 | Questioning matters | [compiled by] Daniel Kolak | Mayfield Pub | 1999 |
8 | H31:B085/1 | Cambridge companion to critical theory | edited by Fred Rush = 批判理论 / 弗雷德 | 生活·读书·新知三联书店 | 2006 |
9 | H31:B086/1 | What To Do When I`m Gone | Suzy Hopking & Hallie Bateman | Bloomsbury Publishing | 2021 |
10 | H31:B089/2 | Analytic philosophy | Jordan J.Lindberg | Mayfield | 2001 |